
Workspace.propagation_matrixAddCIA(self, propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | None = None, propagation_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.PropmatMatrix | None = None, propagation_matrix_select_species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.AtmPoint | None = None, absorption_cia_data: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfCIARecord | None = None, T_extrapolfac: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, ignore_errors: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Calculate absorption coefficients per tag group for HITRAN CIA continua.

This interpolates the cross sections from absorption_cia_data.

The robust option is intended only for testing. Do not use for normal runs, since subsequent functions will not be able to deal with NAN values.

Author(s): Stefan Buehler, Oliver Lemke

  • propagation_matrix (PropmatVector, optional) – This contains the propagation matrix for the current path point. See propagation_matrix, defaults to self.propagation_matrix [INOUT]

  • propagation_matrix_jacobian (PropmatMatrix, optional) – . See propagation_matrix_jacobian, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_jacobian [INOUT]

  • propagation_matrix_select_species (SpeciesEnum, optional) – A select species tag group from absorption_species. See propagation_matrix_select_species, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_select_species [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • atmospheric_point (AtmPoint, optional) – An atmospheric point in ARTS. See atmospheric_point, defaults to self.atmospheric_point [IN]

  • absorption_cia_data (ArrayOfCIARecord, optional) – HITRAN Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) Data. See absorption_cia_data, defaults to self.absorption_cia_data [IN]

  • T_extrapolfac (Numeric, optional) – Temperature extrapolation factor (relative to grid spacing). Defaults to 0.5 [IN]

  • ignore_errors (Index, optional) – Set to 1 to suppress runtime errors (and return NAN values instead). Defaults to 0 [IN]