
Workspace.WignerInit(self, fast_wigner_stored_symbols: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, largest_wigner_symbol_parameter: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, symbol_type: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Initialize the Wigner tables

The default values take about 1 Gb memory.

The static data is kept in an external library and is therefore only available inside ARTS. Nevertheless, this must be set by the application because any default value might be too small or too large for the needs of any one application.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • fast_wigner_stored_symbols (Index, optional) – Number of stored symbols possible before replacements. Defaults to 20000000 [IN]

  • largest_wigner_symbol_parameter (Index, optional) – Largest symbol used for initializing factorials (e.g., largest J or L). Defaults to 250 [IN]

  • symbol_type (Index, optional) – Type of symbol (3 or 6). Defaults to 6 [IN]