

ArrayOfCIARecord HITRAN Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) Data.

This variable holds HITRAN CIA data (binary absorption cross-sections). The data itself is described in: Richard, C. et al. (2012), New section of the HITRAN database: Collision-induced absorption (CIA), J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 113, 1276-1285, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2011.11.004.

The binary absorption cross-sections have to be multiplied with the densities of both molecules to get absorption coefficients.


The outer array dimension in the ArrayOfArrayOfCIARecord is the same as that of absorption_species. There will be CIA data only for those species that contain a CIA tag, for all other species it will be empty. The inner array dimension corresponds to the number of CIA tags for this species (there could be for example both N2-N2 and N2-H2) in the same species.

The CIA absorption_species tags are described in absorption_speciesSet().

Each individual CIARecord holds the complete information from one HITRAN CIA file. For the given pair of molecules A HITRAN CIA data file can hold several datasets (data for different temperatures but fixed frequency range).


  • Frequencies: Hz

  • Binary absorption cross-sections: m^5*molecule^-2

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