
Workspace.WriteXML(self, output_file_format: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, input: object | None = None, filename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, no_clobber: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Writes a workspace variable to an XML file.

This method can write variables of any group.

If the filename is omitted, the variable is written to <basename>.<variable_name>.xml. If no_clobber is set to 1, an increasing number will be appended to the filename if the file already exists.

See FileType for valid output_file_format.

Author(s): Oliver Lemke

  • output_file_format (String, optional) – The format of the output. Defaults to "ascii" [IN]

  • input (Any) – Variable to be saved. [IN]

  • filename (String, optional) – Name of the XML file. Defaults to "" [IN]

  • no_clobber (Index, optional) – 0: Overwrite existing files, 1: Use unique filenames. Defaults to 0 [IN]