

StokvecVector The part of the source vector that is due to non-LTE.

This is closely related to propagation_matrix.

Gven the level source term:

\[\vec{J} = \mathbf{K}^{-1} \left(\vec{\alpha}B + \vec{J}_n + \cdots\right),\]

this variable holds \(\vec{J}_n\). Here, \(\vec{\alpha}\) is the first column of \(\mathbf{K}\), which is from the propagation_matrix variable. \(B\) is the Planck function. The ellipsis denotes other terms that can come from more sources, such as scattering and/or transmitting equipment.

The unit is in spectral_radiance per meter.

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Output from workspace agendas

Related workspace variables