
Workspace.ray_pathGeometricUplooking(self, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, latitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, longitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, max_step: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Wraps ray_pathGeometric() for straight uplooking paths from the surface altitude at the position

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • latitude (Numeric) – The Latitude. [IN]

  • longitude (Numeric) – The Longitude. [IN]

  • max_step (Numeric, optional) – The maximum step length. Defaults to 1000 [IN]