
Workspace.atmospheric_fieldHydrostaticPressure(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, gravity_operator: pyarts.arts.NumericTernaryOperator | None = None, p0: pyarts.arts.GriddedField2 | None = None, alts: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, fixed_specific_gas_constant: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, fixed_atmospheric_temperature: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, hydrostatic_option: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Add the hydrostatic pressure to the atmospheric field

The field must already be able to compute temperature as a function of altitude, latitude, and longitude.

If it also contains species data, the species are used to compute the average mass of the atmospheric molecules to get the specific gas constant. Note that this can also be overwritte with a positive value for the equivalent GIN.

The alts vector contains the altitude grid values that limits the extrapolation distance in altitude. The first altitude in this list should corresond to the altitude of the p0 grid. The extrapolation outside of this range simply uses the hydrostatic equation $P_1 = P_0 - g * h * rho$ by means of the specific gas constant omputed as desribed above and the pressure of the lower or first altitude level.

See HydrostaticPressureOption for valid hydrostatic_option.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • gravity_operator (NumericTernaryOperator, optional) – The gravity operator. See gravity_operator, defaults to self.gravity_operator [IN]

  • p0 (GriddedField2) – Lowest altitude pressure field. [IN]

  • alts (Vector) – Altitude vector. [IN]

  • fixed_specific_gas_constant (Numeric, optional) – Specific gas constant if larger than 0. Defaults to -1 [IN]

  • fixed_atmospheric_temperature (Numeric, optional) – Constant atmospheric temprature if larger than 0. Defaults to -1 [IN]

  • hydrostatic_option (String, optional) – Computational option for levels, [HydrostaticEquation, HypsometricEquation]. Defaults to "HydrostaticEquation" [IN]