
Workspace.spectral_radianceClearskyBackgroundTransmission(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, propagation_matrix_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, spectral_radiance_background: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_background_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, rte_alonglos_v: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, hse_derivative: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Computes clearsky transmission of spectral radiances

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

 1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
 3# ...
 5 ws.ray_path_pointBackground()
 6 ws.ray_path_atmospheric_pointFromPath()
 7 ws.ray_path_frequency_gridFromPath()
 8 ws.ray_path_propagation_matrixFromPath()
 9 ws.ray_path_transmission_matrixFromPath()
10 ws.ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulativeFromPath()
11 ws.transmission_matrix_backgroundFromPathPropagationBack()
12 ws.spectral_radianceCumulativeTransmission()
13 ws.spectral_radiance_jacobianFromBackground()
14 ws.spectral_radiance_jacobianAddPathPropagation()

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • spectral_radiance (StokvecVector, optional) – A spectral radiance vector. See spectral_radiance, defaults to self.spectral_radiance [OUT]

  • spectral_radiance_jacobian (StokvecMatrix, optional) – Jacobian of spectral_radiance with respect to jacobian_targets. See spectral_radiance_jacobian, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_jacobian [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • propagation_matrix_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives. See propagation_matrix_agenda, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_agenda [IN]

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_background (StokvecVector, optional) – Spectral radiance from the background. See spectral_radiance_background, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_background [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_background_jacobian (StokvecMatrix, optional) – Spectral radiance derivative from the background. See spectral_radiance_background_jacobian, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_background_jacobian [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • rte_alonglos_v (Numeric, optional) – Velocity along the line-of-sight to consider for a RT calculation. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • hse_derivative (Index, optional) – Flag to compute the hypsometric distance derivatives. Defaults to 0 [IN]