
Workspace.atmospheric_fieldRead(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, toa: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, missing_is_zero: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, load_nlte: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, load_isot: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, extrapolation: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, default_isotopologue: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, deal_with_field_component: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, allow_missing_temperature: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, allow_missing_pressure: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Reads absorption file from a directory

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
3# ...
5 ws.atmospheric_fieldInit()
6 ws.atmospheric_fieldAppendBaseData()
7 ws.atmospheric_fieldAppendAbsorptionData()

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [OUT]

  • toa (Numeric) – Top of atmosphere altitude [m]. [IN]

  • missing_is_zero (Index, optional) – Whether or not to zero-out missing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • load_nlte (Index, optional) – Whether or not to load NLTE data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • load_isot (Index, optional) – Whether or not to load isotopologue data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • extrapolation (String, optional) – The extrapolation to use. Defaults to "Linear" [IN]

  • default_isotopologue (String, optional) – Default option for the isotopologue ratios. Defaults to "Builtin" [IN]

  • deal_with_field_component (String, optional) – How to deal with the field component. Defaults to "Throw" [IN]

  • basename (String) – The base name of the files. [IN]

  • allow_missing_temperature (Index, optional) – Whether or not to allow missing temperature data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • allow_missing_pressure (Index, optional) – Whether or not to allow missing pressure data. Defaults to 0 [IN]