
Workspace.sunFromGrid(self, sun: pyarts.arts.Sun | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, sun_spectrum_raw: pyarts.arts.GriddedField2 | None = None, radius: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, distance: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, temperature: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, latitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, longitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, description: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Extracts a sun spectrum from a field of such data.

The method allows to obtain the sun spectrum by interpolation from a field of such data. The sun spectrum is expected to be stored as the irradiance at the suns photosphere.


  • GriddedField2: [W m-2 Hz-1]

  • Vector frequency_grid [Hz]

  • Vector stokes_dim [1]

Dimensions: [frequency_grid, stokes_dim]

This method performs an interpolation onto the frequency_grid. The point of frequency_grid that are outside the data frequency grid are initialized according to planck’s law of the temperature variable. Hence, a temperature of 0 means 0s the edges of the frequency_grid.

Author(s): Jon Petersen, Richard Larsson

  • sun (Sun, optional) – A sun. See sun, defaults to self.sun [OUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • sun_spectrum_raw (GriddedField2) – A raw spectrum. [IN]

  • radius (Numeric, optional) – The radius of the sun in meter. Default is the radius of our sun. . Defaults to 696324200 [IN]

  • distance (Numeric, optional) – The average distance between the sun and the planet in meter. Default value is set to 1 a.u. . Defaults to 149597870700 [IN]

  • temperature (Numeric, optional) – The effective temperature of the suns photosphere in Kelvin. Default is the temperature of our sun - 5772 Kelvin . Defaults to 5772 [IN]

  • latitude (Numeric, optional) – The latitude or the zenith position of the sun in the sky. . Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • longitude (Numeric, optional) – The longitude or azimuthal position of the sun in the sky. . Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • description (String, optional) – A description of the sun. Defaults to "A sun" [IN]