
Workspace.measurement_vectorFromOperatorPath(self, measurement_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, measurement_sensor: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSensorObsel | None = None, spectral_radiance_operator: pyarts.arts.SpectralRadianceOperator | None = None, ray_path_observer_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, exhaustive: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Sets measurement vector by looping over all sensor elements

The core calculations happens inside the spectral_radiance_operator.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • measurement_vector (Vector, optional) – The measurment vector for, e.g., a sensor. See measurement_vector, defaults to self.measurement_vector [OUT]

  • measurement_sensor (ArrayOfSensorObsel, optional) – A list of sensor elements. See measurement_sensor, defaults to self.measurement_sensor [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_operator (SpectralRadianceOperator, optional) – The spectral radiance operator. See spectral_radiance_operator, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_operator [IN]

  • ray_path_observer_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Get the propagation path as it is obeserved. See ray_path_observer_agenda, defaults to self.ray_path_observer_agenda [IN]

  • exhaustive (Index, optional) – Boolean flag for whether or not the sensor elements are treated as exhaustive, i.e., all elements are understood to have the same frequency and pos-los grids. Defaults to 0 [IN]