
Workspace.absorption_bandsSetZeeman(self, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesIsotope | None = None, fmin: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, fmax: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, on: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Set the Zeeman splitting for lines within the frequency range

See SpeciesIsotope for valid species

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [INOUT]

  • species (SpeciesIsotope) – Isotopologue of the species. [IN]

  • fmin (Numeric) – Minimum line frequency to set Zeeman splitting for. [IN]

  • fmax (Numeric) – Maximum line frequency to set Zeeman splitting for. [IN]

  • on (Index, optional) – On or off. Defaults to 1 [IN]