
Workspace.disort_settingsLayerThermalEmissionLinearInTau(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None, ray_path_atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAtmPoint | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None) None

Use a source function that changes linearly in optical thickness.

Note that you must have set the optical thickness before calling this.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

  • ray_path_atmospheric_point (ArrayOfAtmPoint, optional) – Atmospheric points along the propagation path. See ray_path_atmospheric_point, defaults to self.ray_path_atmospheric_point [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]