
Workspace.propagation_matrix_jacobianWindFix(self, propagation_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.PropmatMatrix | None = None, propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, frequency_grid_wind_shift_jacobian: pyarts.arts.Vector3 | None = None) None

Fix for the wind field derivative.

The propagation_matrix_agenda will set the wind derivatives to those of the frequency derivative if this method is not used. This will cause the wind field to be treated as a frequency derivative, meaning no OEM or other functionality that requires the Jacobian matrix to be calculated will work.

Author(s): Richard Larsson
