
Workspace.propagation_matrix_scattering_spectral_agendaSet(self, propagation_matrix_scattering_spectral_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, option: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Set propagation_matrix_scattering_spectral_agenda to a specific predefined option

Author(s): Automatically Generated

  • propagation_matrix_scattering_spectral_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Get the scattering propagation matrix, the scattering absorption vector, and the scattering spectral phase matrix. See propagation_matrix_scattering_spectral_agenda, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_scattering_spectral_agenda [OUT]

  • option (String, optional) – Choice of generated agenda. Defaults to "FromSpeciesTRO" [IN]

Valid options

These are the valid options for the propagation_matrix_scattering_spectral_agendaSet method. The listed method calls describe the order of the agenda calls for each option.
